What does it mean to be a daddy?
To understand the meanings and ideas and all of the other feelings of behind being a daddy or father to someone you must first understand what a daddy or father is defined as
And to do this means we have to take a brief course in what is called Etymology or the study of the origins of a word
Encarta defines Daddy as this:
And Father is defined as two very interesting terms in Encarta
2. Man acting as parent: a man who brings up and looks after a child as if he were its father
It goes on further to have the two verb forms
1. Transitive verb become father of offspring: to cause a woman or female animal to produce offspring
2. Transitive and intransitive verb be like father to somebody: to act as a father to somebody, especially by giving advice, comfort, and protection
The Etymology of Father is: Middle English fader, from Old English fæder; akin to Old High German fater father, Latin pater, and Greek patEr
Daddy and Father in other Languages |
Word |
Language |
Translation |
Word |
Language |
Translation |
Daddy |
German |
Vati |
Father |
German |
Vater |
Daddy |
Spanish |
Papá |
Father |
Spanish |
Padre |
Daddy |
French |
Papa |
Father |
French |
Père |
Daddy |
Japanese |
お父さん |
Father |
Italian |
Padre |
Daddy |
Korean |
아빠 |
Father |
Portuguese |
Pai |
Daddy |
Chinese |
爸爸 |
Father |
Japanese |
父 |
Father |
Korean |
아버지 |
Father |
Chinese |
父亲 |
Ok now that we have the educational side of this out and you have some basic understanding of the textbook meaning of daddy and father you can now tear this page out of the text book and give it to your little one and that way they will have something to color on and make it pretty just for you. Which is better than the report they used last time right?
And this time little one its really ok for you to color on this because this isn’t your daddies report that you colored on to make it pretty for him and got in trouble last time. I promise this time if you color on it he will not be upset so go right ahead have fun and make it pretty for him. He will smile I promise. Really truly I do promise.
So now lets talk down to earth heart to heart Daddy speak and actually put this into the nuts and bolts information of what it means to be a daddy to an adult little one And we can do this in relative comfort now that your little one is busy coloring you a picture as long as they do not start to color on the floor or themselves for that matter.
Being a daddy well there is no doubt about it rather you are a real daddy or a daddy to an adult little one its like they used to say about the Peace Corps. The toughest job you will ever love.
Now what does all that mean? Well let’s break it down like this.
You as a daddy have one of the most precious treasures ever known given to you. You are given the heart of a child. And this comes with a lot of good things and some bad things to.
So how about we discuss the good things since we know all little ones are good and they are made of sugar and spice and everything nice and never ever pout right? Oh sorry thought I was talking to someone else anyways back to the topic at hand
Being given this gift of this little child’s heart and believe me you were given this gift you didn’t take it, you had to work very hard for it you earned it you cried for it you begged you pleaded and no matter how hard you tried they still wouldn’t eat all their veggies right?
And of course that little one with you is making a sour face at the mere mention of the word Veggie.
But in all truth, you were given a special gift. And even though you sometimes feel ready to pull that last remaining hair out of your head before they turn it grey and it falls out from dealing with them. You really would not have any other way would you?
And believe me when I say sometimes this heart you were given may not have came shipped in the best of shape to begin with. Or at least you did not receive it in the best shape for we really cannot say what happened from the time this heart shipped until you received it.
It may have a few scrapes, scratches, rips, tears, bruises, cuts and holes. Yet you accepted it. And now it is yours. And now just what in the world are you going to do with it??? This is like that cake in “Butterfly Kisses” You know that cake that the little girl made for her daddy and said “I know the cake looks funny daddy, but I sure tried” And you know every time I hear that line I can just see that cake and watching the daddy eat it anyway because he knew his little girl made it for him.
So what do you do with a heart that comes to you in not so good of a shape? Well the first thing you have to do is to start to mend it and show that heart that you are going to take good care of it and you will not hurt it. Then once the heart is on its way back to being in good health, then and only then, can you work on making the heart your heart to own and to have.
So what does it mean to be a daddy? A daddy can be broke down into a pie chart right before your little one digs their hands into it. You have it all planned out how big of a piece you are going to give. And now you have well a mess
So here it is the secret family recipe to being a good
daddy, you have to be or you have to have the following at least some of these
traits and or ingredient on any measurable amount. You don’t have to have all
of them but you do have to have something close
One part Doctor |
One part Cupid |
One part Elephant |
One part Clown |
One part Zeus |
One part Magic |
One part Physic |
One part Grumpy Mean Bear |
One part cute cuddle Koloa Bear |
One part Puppy dog |
One part Rocket scientist |
One part Teacher |
One part Rock |
One part Sponge |
One part Fisherman |
One part Superman |
One part handkerchief |
Now why you need to have these things I would think should
be obvious but if they aren’t we will put all the cards in the right place
like you have to do with your little one
So now that you know what makes up a daddy and do you think you are ready to be one? If so then you are about to get the greatest reward you can ever have.
Being a daddy is not all fun and games there are a lot of issues you will have to work through with your little one
Do they have to take medicine? Do they get to bed on time? Do they eat right? Do they need help with money? Do they need help with studying for school? Those are all things you have to consider when dealing with a little one
Are there darker demons that they need to face and deal with?
Of course there is also the parts of what clothes should they wear? Do they get to even choose their own clothes or is that daddy’s job to do it Of course there is also the hair brushing. And little ones never let your daddy brush your hair while he is not happy with you. For one it’s a hairbrush you know the same brush he uses on your bare bottom? For two you are sitting in his lap or close to it. Which means you are only a few pulls away from being OVER HIS lap and of course there is the third thing of not being so gentle with the hair.
All of which go very bad for you little one.
So you see daddy you will have a full time job.
Of course that is what makes it the toughest job you will ever love because it can be a full time 24 hour a day 7 day a week 365 (or 366) day job.As a daddy you will be flying at 300 miles per hour dodge ducks and geese rocks arrows spears. It is a full time and you are going to be very busy. What does it mean to be a daddy? It means love
You have to have a love for the little one that you are a daddy to. No one can really be a daddy without love. If you do not love your child both as the adult that they are and as the child they want and need to be then you are not doing them or yourself any good.
If you do not love your child you will not answer that 3 AM phone call from them when there is thunder and lightning going on at their homes.If you do not love your child then you will not worry and fret and hope you made the right choices that day. If you do not love your child you will not go to bed totally mentally and physically exhausted and lay there in the dark as tears come down your face as you review the day before you close your eyes and hope you made all the right choices, and that you said all the right things.
Without love you would not wake up the next morning ready to do it all again. Without love you would not go looking in the dead of the night in the pouring lane for that one thing that would make that little one smile and not be afraid Without love you would not be willing to break your own rule about hurting someone when you need to punish her over your lap and make her cry and promise and squirm.
Without love for that child you will not remember the saying this hurts me more than it does you and truly whole-heartedly understand the deep founded meanings of that phrase. Without love you would not be able to do all these things that are demanded of you because if you don’t love the little one then you have no reason to really understand they are only there because they know you care.
Without love well let’s just say without love that the world of a little child is not for you. There is no greater truth that this. It takes love to do whatever is needed for that little child. And it is for love sake that we become daddies. Even if we sometimes are daddies only for the sexual side of things we still do have some love for the person involved otherwise you wouldn’t be able to even be around them.
But no matter what you may or may not think at that time you are still daddy and with that come some of the greatest joys and also some of the greatest responsibilities as well. What you hold your heart, mind, body, and soul is the heart of a child the mind of a child and the soul of a child.
And if that isn’t enough to show you its one of the greatest responsibilities you will ever have then I do not know what will ever show it. Because these things alone are the deepest treasures that this person has to offer.
My final words can be summed up in the following statement, which I believe to be true
"Many people will never know what its like to hold the light of the little child's heart in your hands, this can bring great joy and pride to the person who holds it. The heart is yours to love, care, caress, guide, nurture, and discipline. While the little child may not be a real little child on the outside, on the inside they are just as little as they do feel. But do take heed! This light can be very fragile; the same hand that protects and loves can destroy a heart if not taken care of in a serious manor. Just as we turn off a light in a room without even thinking about the actual parts that make the switch function. We can do serious harm to a person. Remember the child's heart you hold in your hand can be as fragile as the most delicate rose or crystal/diamond vase."