is a Daddy?
By Mary Francen
is a Daddy? This is a sentence that will mean different things to different
people. It may even mean something different to the two of you.
some people being a Daddy is something that is strictly just a “bedroom
playtime grownup thing” for others it is a much more full time thing that has
nothing to do with grownup activities, and still yet for others it is a mix of
something in-between the two.
me a Daddy is someone who loves and cares for his little one. Takes care of them
no matter what is going on in there lives. Loves them unconditionally and it is
a mix of the two worlds for me. I call Daddy; Daddy 24/7 he is my husband and
when we are at home he is Daddy at all times.
we are out and it is “safe” for me to call him Daddy I do so. When we are
with certain friends I will still address him as Daddy. All of our friends know
of our age-play and that I call him Daddy. While there are some who are ok with
it and comfortable with it and my calling him Daddy there are of course those
who are not, so it is not always “safe” for me to call him Daddy, but he IS
always to me Daddy.
Daddy to me is someone who is there when you’re sick to cuddle and make you
feel better. Even if this means staying up all night long sitting by your
bedside rubbing your head for you and getting your heating pads to make the
owies go away.
Daddy is someone who is there to help guide you along your path with advice and
sometimes a firm hand to your tushie and always a hug when you want one.
Daddy is someone who will make you smile and take you for a drive in the car and
bring you treats when you’ve been a good girl from your favorite candy store.
Daddy is someone who will allow you to grow as a person and always have your
best interests in mind, and always allow you to express yourself and your love
for him and for yourself.
Daddy is someone who is a sweet and generous person who will play a game with
you of Connect four and even though he can win every time, sometimes just
sometimes he doesn’t win.
Daddy is someone who is there to tuck you in with a kiss on the cheek and I love
you as he sits up till your sound asleep before going to bed himself just so
that you know you’re “safe”.
Daddy is someone who is “magics” and knows what his little one needs and
wants and sometimes he will just come out with a surprise of some sort, such as
announcing that “Daddy is taking you for something that you have wanted
tomorrow when he gets home from work”. And then showing up at the store where
the toy box that you have been saving up for is at and giving you the rest of
the money that you needed.
Daddy is someone who knows that there are times when his little one needs things
that he can not provide and yet he doesn’t get mad at her for that. He allows
her to get what she needs in a safe place and from a safe person that he trusts.
Because he always has her best interests in mind and in his heart.
Daddy to me is someone who is a very special bread of man. They are someone who
takes on all the responsibility and care of a “child” and sometimes that
comes with a lot of “emotional baggage” and there are times that a daddy
doesn’t ever get a single day off. In fact he usually doesn’t unless he is
fortunate enough to have a babysitter for his little one.
Daddy is someone who puts his heart out to a “little one” and takes the
whole world on for them. Be that for the good or the bad at times. Sometimes he
must defend her against others and other times he must be the one to say that
she was wrong.
Daddy is someone who must at times watch his little cry for things that he
can’t make all better and still be able to cuddle her and
tell her in a convincing manor and voice that it is going to be ok.
Daddy is someone who at times has to make her cry for things that she did
naughty. And he has to be able to do this for if not than she will not grow as a
person and won’t feel safe in the long run.
short A Daddy is someone that makes his little one feel safe, loved and cared
about. :)