Ageplay Discussion Site

Being a Uncle?  What does it mean? What is it? How? (From a Uncle's Point of View)
A work in progress

A uncle is sometimes the best thing for a little child. Sometimes a child will already have a daddy or a mommy but what they may not have is a another relative who can take care of them

What does a uncle do? Well sometimes a uncle will be a baby sitter. Sometimes the uncle is who the mommy or daddy will ask or use to watch over the little child when they themselves can not be there to take care of the little child.

A uncle usually does not live with his niece or nephew but that is not always the case. Sometimes a uncle will move in or live with them to take care of the child because they can help and make sure that the little child is well taken care of.

A uncle will sometimes have a few different ways of dealing with things, which are sometimes different than the mother or father of the child, that is not to say that his way is better or that the parent or parents are not doing the right things just that they have a different view.

And while they have a different view on how things are to be, that does not mean that they will not keep the little child on track with what their parents want and decide. It just means that they have a little bit of a different view on how to actually do it.

Sometimes a uncle may be a little bit more firm with his niece or nephew but that is because they sometimes see gaps in what the parents are doing or are not doing so they will be a gap filler to make sure that his niece or nephew has the things they need. And knows the rules they should follow and is taken care of the way that they should be.

All in all a uncle is just another love in a life of a little one