Ageplay Discussion Site

What is an Uncle
By Mary Francen

What is an Uncle? This is being written from a niece’s point of view and my uncle doesn’t even know that I am writing this. But I was perusing the website and saw this wasn’t written and decided to submit it.

About four months ago, this was not something that I would have been properly able to answer. Than I met a REAL honest to goodness Uncle :) mine! So now I can honestly answer this question. 

To me an uncle is pretty much just like a Daddy. :)) But not a Daddy to me anyway I have one of those already. But I am a VERY lucky little girl and I gots a Daddy and a Uncle too!!! Both Daddy’s and Uncle’s do the same stuffs, just a little bit diferents. 

The biggest thing they both got in common is that they don’t go away! They don’t make a promise they won’t keep! Even if that is sometimes a bad thing for your tushie, it’s still a good thing, cause Uncle’s don’t FIB neither!!! :))

An uncle is a little bit different than a Daddy though because they will give treats for things like being a good girl at the doctors and getting to eat ice-cream before yur lunch, and Daddy’s say no to that. :))

An uncle is many things, he is someone who is there to get the locked closet door open, after you got stuck in there because you got so scared you ran and hid in there. They are the one who keeps you safe and protected when you’re all alone, they keep the monsters out, and tuck you into bed at night and for your naps with your very own story and special song he sings to you. 

They help you to remember the things you used to love to do, even if they have to remind you in ways you may not like at the time. And it may take you some time to actually remember that hey I like this! And then they help you with it even if it is three am by the time you have finished with it. :))

An uncle is someone who is there when you call them in a panic because you can’t find your favorite pretty barrettes and your having a tantrum and can’t stop it, they are there to listen to you, guide you, help you to learn and grow, even if sometimes that means they get “not happy with you” and you end up “not being to happy yourself over there lap”.

An uncle is someone who knows when you’re bouncing on the bed even when he’s on the phone with you! And can’t even see you! An uncle is someone who helps you to remember that you’re smart, not stupid like you think you are. 

An uncle is someone who holds you and keeps the bad things from coming to close to you, when the world is getting away from you and about to break in half again, he rocks you and sings you “your song” until the world glues itself back together again.

An uncle is someone who is the first person to jump to your defense when you’re being attacked and also the first person to swat your tushie when you’re the one who is in the wrong. And then he is also the first person to hold you and tell you your forgiven and he loves you as he cuddles you and sings to you “your song”.

An uncle is someone who listens to you both your little and your grownup side rant and rave; tell him the funny things in your day, the scary things in your day, and the wonderful things in your day no matter what his day is like.

An uncle is someone who answers your panic stricken phone calls to his work when your computer starts doing funny things and you can’t get it to work anymore, and he magically gets it to work again using his “uncle magic’s”.

An uncle is someone who shows you that yes in fact there is such a thing as getting a pressie for no reason in life, that it’s called “just because I love you”. And he reminds you to breathe when you stop breathing after opening it. 

An uncle is someone who is a babysitter, cuddler, counselor, comedian, nurse, teacher, cook, drivers ed instructor, computer genus, story teller, singer, and disciplinarian. Yes even someone who makes you do things ya don’t want to do at times because they are what you need to do. 

So in short an uncle is basically everything!!!! : )))) GIGGLLEESSS