Ageplay Discussion Site

Am I a brat?

By Mary Francen

This might be something that you may or may not have asked yourself, or perhaps someone else has called you a brat and you disagree with them. Ok so how do you find out if you are in fact a brat?

Well for some there is a clear definition of what a brat is.

 A: CHILD; specifically: an ill-mannered annoying child

B: an ill-mannered immature person

There is also the term and definition “Spoiled brat”

A spoiled brat (alternatively spelled spoilt brat) is a child whose parents let it get its way in most things and thus worsen greed, selfishness, and arrogance in the child. A spoiled brat is typically an only child that is constantly doted on by its parents. It could also be the younger sibling of a main character. Often, if the child gets a response of "no", he or she will scream, shout, cry, hit others, and behave inappropriately. Some believe this behavior is brought on by the insecurity that results from a lack of discipline and clearly-set boundaries in childhood.

The spoiled brat is also a stock character in several fiction works. Additionally, the "popular girl" stock character can also be considered a spoiled brat, especially if the girl is a teenager.

Now those are the dictionaries term for the word BRAT, now lets take I from both a real life aspect as well as a play aspect shall we.

To me I have always seen in real life anyway someone who is a brat to be like my youngest sister, obnoxious rude hurtful and very spoiled in getting there way and shoving it other peoples face when they do.

In play however, being a brat, or bratty I have seen as someone who is playful and fun loving, a bit adventurous perhaps, mischievous,  or even a tad on the rude side with the talking back and saying no to someone who is “In charge”.

Ok so now that we have the basic definitions of the term brat, how do we go about determining if in fact you are a brat?

Well lets look at the evidence that is in your life or in this case we shall use me as a case study.

But please insert yourself here to determine if the question is in fact true or false in your own case. Here is some background information for you to have before the questions that I will answer myself.

Lets take said 32 year old “little girl” who lives with her “Daddy and has an uncle” she is playful and adventurous sweat and caring and very much loving in nature.

So now let’s get on with the quiz.  

1.You walk into the room and see you’re SO sleeping on the couch do you?
A. Walk up and gently wake him/her with a sweet nothing whispered in there ear.  

B.    See that they have left the TV on and grab the remote and turn it up as loud as it can go, and run and hide in the other room while doing so.  

C. Let them sleep, going about your business knowing that they must be very tired to be sleeping at this time of the day.


2. You’re SO is taking a shower after a long day at their job what do you do?
A. Turn the water on in the sink, after sneaking quietly into the bathroom causing a cold stream of water and a yelp of surprise as you go giggling out of the room.  

B.   Grab the shaving foam and “hose them down” with it, making sure to of course run for dear life, after doing so.  

C. Ask them if they need a nice warm towel from the dryer, and go and get it for them for when they are done.


3. While out in a large department type store or grocery store, you get separated from your SO, you see them but they do not see you.
A. You walk up to them and give them a great big hug and tell them that you have missed them while smiling at them. 

B.   You watch as they go into another isle of the store and run up and dump an armload of goodies into the cart and stand there waiting for them to return and ask them where they have been with a very innocent look on your face. 

C. You run up to them and pout at them saying that they lost you with your hands on your hips and tell them that they owe you several hugs and kisses and a chocolate bar for losing you.


4. While out with your best friend, you stay out a bit later than normally and forget to call home to your SO upon returning home, you are faced with a upset SO you do one of the following.
A. Tell them you’re an adult and to get over it and make a flouncing turn on your heels and stomp out of the room in a pout.

B.   Explain to them, with the most innocent pouty look that you own that it was your friends fault for keeping you out and that your sorry and give them a hug and tell them it won’t happen again, while crossing your fingers behind your back that they won’t call your friend to find out that it was you all along who wanted to stay for the last song to dance to.

C. Fess up to the fact that you wanted to stay and dance to the last song, and that your sorry for not calling and letting your SO know that you would be so late, and tell them it won’t happen again, while giving them a hug and a kiss of apologies.


5. Your having a BBQ and pool party, everyone is having a blast, your SO and friends are all in the pool just talking. You see the hose on the side of the house lying on the ground in a heap.
A. You douse the entire lot of them with ice cold water from the hose while standing nice and dry.

B.   Just get your SO and giggle and turn off the hose.

C. Water the plants, and joke about how you should spray them all down with the hose.
D. Go and put the hose away so that no one gets hurt by tripping over it.


6. While actively playing with your SO or play partner, You are told to go to your room for being naughty.
A. You stomp your feet and pout and tell them NO and cross your arms sticking your tongue out.

B.   Whine and beg to not be sent to your room promising anything to not be sent there and hug them.

C. Go quietly to your room.


7. While playing a board game with your SO he or she wins the game, and since your actively playing with them, you.
A. Call them a cheater and toss the pieces of the game at them and pout.

B.   Whine “No fair you won the game I was supposed to win not you.” And say you want a redo, right now and you don’t care that it’s eleven pm and call them a chicken and stick your tongue out at them giggling.

C. Tell them nice game and ask if they want to play again, and this time you go first hoping that will give you an edge to winning.


8. While actively playing with your SO for the weekend, they are outside mowing the lawn, you.
A. Take them some lemonade you made yourself from scratch just the way they like it.

B.   You open a upstairs window and toss out some water balloons giggling down at them as they get splashed form them.

C. Go outside and “offer to help them mow the lawn and follow them around the yard being helpful and sweet asking a zillion questions.”
D. Both A and C


9. While out in the car on a trip somewhere during a play weekend, your SO is driving.
A. You start to play with the settings on the radio and every other button you can get your little fingers on to find a good station that you like.

B.   You ask a zillion and one times “Are we there yet? and How much longer till we are there?”

C. You help them with the directions and sit quietly so as to not disturb them while they are driving the car.
D. You whine about having to put on the seatbelt from the second you’re in the car to the minute that you arrive at where you are going.
E. You do A, B, and D. until your SO threatens to pull the car over and then you do C. finally asking to stop and eat at a fast food place after ten minutes of “playing the quiet game”.


10. While playing with your SO you have earned yourself a good talking to for being naughty, you.
A. Do as you’re told and meekly go and retrieve said “owie maker “not wanting to make your problems any worse.

B.   Try to beg out of said “good talking too” with promises of anything and everything in the world.

C. You come back after going to get the required “owie maker” with the wrong item and smile innocently and hand your SO a much “softer” item.


11. While your SO is sleeping in the morning, of a play weekend, you.
A. Run into the room and pounce on the bed jumping up and down giggling and smiling at your partner.

B.   Sneak up on your sleeping partner you dump a glass of water on them and run out of the room blaming one of the cats, while giggling for the naughty deed when your partner who didn’t see you wanders why they are wet.

C. Wake your partner with a wonderfully made breakfast in bed of there favorite meal.


12. You have a flair for when you are proven right, after being accusing of something, to do the following.
A. Graciously accept that the other person was wrong and ignore that little voice in your head telling you to say I told you so to them.

B.   Stick your tongue out and tell the person who accused you “Ha see I told you I was right you were wrong, now you owe me a chocolate bar, and stomp your foot.”

C. Pout at the mediator and say to them, ok now that my side has been won, who gets in trouble and turn your head so that the mediator doesn’t see and stick your tongue out at your accuser.
D. Smile and say thank you to the judge and jury and say you’re sorry to the offending party who is now the true guilty party and wish them luck with their punishment.


13. You have always had good luck in getting out of trouble, so you decide to play a little trick or two during a play weekend with some friends, but instead of getting off totally free by the time the weekend comes to an end you get found out for the not so innocent person they all thought you were, You.
A. Bat your eyelashes and smile sweetly at them and giggle telling them it was all just a joke.

B.   Run for the nearest exit, after tossing your drink onto the tallest of them as a distraction.

C. Give your best and most sincere apologies and accept what ever your friends have in store for you.


14. Your play partner is talking to someone, during a play weekend, but you want their attention, being tired and slightly on the cranky side, you.
A. Climb into there lap and start to cuddle with them.

B.   Politely excuse yourself and go to your room to rest.

C. Start to whine and fuss at them, and stomp your foot demanding that they talk to you right now.
D. Get a mischievous look to your face and with a giggle toss a pillow at the person your partner is talking to, to stop them from talking.


15. Your play partner tells you it is time for bed, you.
A. Tell them to have a nice nights sleep and sweetly smile at them and go back to doing what you were doing.

B.   Go quietly to your room, and do as you’re told.

C. Stomp your foot crossing your arms and flatly refuse to go to bed.


16. Your playing with the computer in your SO office and suddenly in walks your SO, just as it does something funny, you.
A. Run to them and immediately fess up to playing with something you shouldn’t have been playing with

B.   Go to them and tell them you saw the cat on the keyboard while trying to not fidget too much.

C. Tell them that they shouldn’t leave the computer turned on and scurry out of the office.


Ok now that we have some questions for you to answer here are the answers to how I would do them. 

1. B 2.  B
3.C 4.C
5.C 6.C
7.B 8.D
9.E 10.A
11.A 12.A

13. C

15.A 1 6.C 

Ok now keep in mind of course that each person is different. So my answers will not be the same as yours, and nor should they be. Because each persons definition of the word brat, or bratty, as I like to think of myself getting is different.

 I don’t see myself as a “brat” parse, but as someone who “gets bratty” at times.  Or as my signature phrase is “mes jus a lil bits naughty”. There for I also see myself as someone who is playful and fun loving, and adventurous in nature, and yes mischievous as well.

 Ok so now you have answered the questions for yourself. So let’s see how much of a brat you are.

 For each question there is a score to be given the score key is as follows


If you answered B give your self 1 point


    If you answered B give yourself 1 point


If you answered A give yourself 2 points


If you answered A and B give yourself 4 points 


If you answered C give yourself 1 point


If you answered A give yourself 2 points


If you answered B give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered A give yourself 2 points


 If you answered B give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered A give yourself 2 points


 If you answered B give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered A give yourself 2 points


 If you answered B give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered B give yourself 2 points


 If you answered C give yourself 1 point


 If you answered D give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered A give yourself 1 point


 If you answered B give yourself 1 point


 If you answered C give yourself 1 point


 If you answered D give yourself 1 point


 If you answered E give yourself 4 points 


 If you answered B give yourself 1 point


 If you answered C give yourself 2 points 


 If you answered A give yourself 1 point


 If you answered B give yourself 2 points 


 If you answered B give yourself 2 points


 If you answered C give yourself 1 point 


 If you answered A give yourself 1 point


 If you answered B give yourself 2 points 


 If you answered C give yourself 1 point


 If you answered D give yourself 2 points 


 If you answered A give yourself 1 point


 If you answered C give yourself 2 points 


 If you answered B give yourself 2 points


 If you answered C give yourself 1 point

 29-35 Super duper Queen or King Bee Brat— You are an extremely “Bratty” individual, who knows what they want and stops at nothing to get it. What else can be said? Well you are the author of the Brat Handbook. It was your blood sweat and not YOUR own personal tears that got you to this point. Enjoy it while it lasts the next brat is right around corner to knock you off your high horse.

 22-28 Notorious Master Brat on the Brat Pack counsel— You have mastered the art of brat and have obtained the 7th level of the pillar of bratdom you are master of all and only answer to the queen or king brat.

 16-21 Junior Brat on the loose to terrorize— You are learning fast and well on your way to tossing the Queen or King Bee out of their thrown, so she /he had best be on her look out.  You escaped the spotlight relatively unharmed.

 8-15 Mischievous cheeky brat— Your fun loving nature will often lead you into troubles sometimes of your doing, but often because you’ve followed others into some sort of mischief, brats do tend to travel in packs ya know. At least until someone gets into trouble then ZAP you are all alone in the spot light.

 0-7 Cream puff – You have a lot to learn yet, and need to hand with the brat pack some more, you should read the Brat handbook. There will be a test later so you should study. No really I do mean it STUDY.

 Just so everyone knows my score came out to be a 12. That would make me a Mischievous cheeky brat.