Ageplay Discussion Site

Are Diapers for Me?

By Mary Francen

Ok this is a subject that for some can be squishy. Ok so I chose that word to be a bit of a smart tushie. “Giggles” I am after all a little girl so sue me :).

But on a serious note this subject “Diapers” can bring up many emotions for people some of them good some of them bad. It would depend on the individual person and there past experiences as to how they would receive the idea.

For some people Diapers can be a comfort helping to bring about the “little feeling” that they are seeking in there play experience, for others it has a much more “grownup feeling” added to the play that they are doing at the time.

For me I have had the desire to add this type of play to my age-play/role-playing for some time. But have only just recently started to incorporate it into my play.

For me when I am playing that young, it is about being so young and cared for in all ways that a child of that age would need to be cared for. It is not just about the diapers. It is the entire lifestyle that goes along with them, the cuddles and stories and being totally one hundred percent taken care of by a grownup.