Ageplay Discussion Site

Best and Worst Punishments

By Mary Francen 

I have to say that this is an odd thing to be writing about giggles “Best punishment” umm no offense Daddy Stephen but there is NOOO such thing as a best punishment giggles. They all are yucky!!!! : ))

I do have to say though that for me anyway there are a few that seem to work much better than others, and I can pinpoint them very clearly and remember them VERY well!!!!

For me the corner doesn’t work to well, at least standing in it. I can’t do that “I get panicky in small tight places” however sitting down after or just sitting down somewhere even at my laptop for a period of time and not being allowed to get up without permission while being “dressed as little girl” or “bare bottomed” or after a spanking is something that will drive me batty so to speak, also being sent to bed early will immediately make me feel like a naughty little girl.

For people having a treat taken away from them for a week or so is traumatic, well for me, take away my story at bed time and you will have me in total tears! And forget about taking my songs away, you won’t get me to sleep if you do that!! “Blushes” But the story will have me knowing that I have been naughty and am in troubles.

Of course there is the “owie maker” that thing will always without a doubt see to it that I have been punished, and of course who would get spanked and not know that they have been punished. “Giggles”

Getting put in a diaper after a spanking and put in time out and made to “post” about my naughty is one of the big punishments that I don’t like either. Because I know that I am still in troubles and I FEEL it the entire time and I am very much “little” the entire time.

I have gotten some “BIG spankings” but they aren’t always the “worst punishments” sometimes for me anyways it’s the smallest punishments that upset me emotionally the most.

For me when I am getting punished I tend to get “little” especially if I am getting spanked, or if I am sleepy or already emotionally upset about something else. So you don’t have to always employee the same punishment for the same type of offense with me. “as my Uncle and Daddy have found out” “Giggles”

One of the things that my Uncle has found out is that making me write something and posting it will get my attentions. Also making me lie or sit still  in timeout while I am being “talked to” will make me go crazy because I get “little” while I am being punished so the punishments for me anyway tend to effect me on both a physical and emotional level during the entire time pretty well.

My Daddy has found that rewarding me with a special treat for a certain amount of time being good, such as a trip to the sticker store works well, also taking said treat away i.e. my sticker chart. “not giving me my sticker for that day, prolongs the special treat”

However I have also had my mouth washed out with soap. This one doesn’t upset me all that much, in fact for me Listerine is a more painful experience each time I brush my teeth “Giggles”.

Some punishments are both for the grownup me and the little girl me, and those are interesting to say the least. Getting a big spanking, the tushie plug and being “dressed as a little girl” and made to sit in time out while doing an assignment of some type is something that is very emotionally conflicting. “Have you ever tried to compose something while having a little girl moment giggles?”

Of course there is the writing one hundred times “ I will do/not do what ever it was you did or did not do thingy” while sitting in the corner bare bottomed dressed in your most little girl jimmies. “Blushes crimson” I didn’t like that one at all.

So you see at least for me there are a very many different punishments that work on me. At least it seems that so far as I can see anyway that it is not necessarily the “Big spankings” that only have the biggest affects on me, but also the smallest little punishments, a scolding and being told that because I didn’t ask the first time to jump on the bed and thus can not do it this time, while being made to lie there on the bed still and quietly for a while, will upset me just as much as if I had been spanked for not remembering to ask to jump on said bed in the first place.

I have some difficulties with remembering things at times, so both Daddy and Uncle will employee differing punishments with me, I do find it interesting that each of them “raises me” a little differently, but both with love.

I guess that is the biggest thing with the punishments, for me anyway, I must always hear the words “your forgiven” after being punished.  And the cuddles that come with those words. No matter if it is “Big me or little me” that has received said punishment.

I feel anyway, that a slight look, a couple of words spoken and even a single swat, can have the same effect as a big spanking, being sent to my room, or sent to bed either for a nap or to bed early, it all depends on the situation and what is going on with my emotional mindset at the time.

Being that I am not one who likes to make either Daddy or Uncle “not happy at me” I will get upset at just hearing that phrase “Your Uncle is not happy” my tummy starts to do the butterfly dance and I get weepy, and pretty soon I am in tears.

Sometimes tears do not come all that easily for me, they never have. But making Uncle or Daddy “not happy” with me is one sure fire way to make them come and come in waves like the ocean. That is one of the reasons hearing the words “your forgiven” is so important for me, even though I have been told that I am always forgiven before the punishment even happens, I still need to actually hear those words. For me being in trouble leaves me very small and insecure, and vulnerable and very much little so for me it’s kind of hard for me to say what is the best and worst punishments, as they all have the same basic effect. They make me sorry I was a naughty little girl, :) and that I want to be forgiven and cuddled as soon as possible. :))))