Egg Decorating 101
By Mary Francen
hoppity Easters on its way. And what would Easter be without the colorful eggs
each year? :) After all the Easter
Bunny does needs help making all those eggs. And who better ta help him but us
little ones. :):):):)
of course this little one just loves this activity for various reasons the first
of which would be that its fun! :) The second being that its messy!! Giggles
of course there is the fact that I know what comes the next morning! Finding all
of them pretty colored eggs and my Easter Basket too! “Giggles” filled with
yummy treats from Misr. Bunny himself, so I like ta help him out and color the
eggs. :)
little girl is still slightly green on her finger tips from her egg coloring
this year how about you?
first thing of course that your gonna need is a grownup, giggles I don’t know
why but for some reason it says this on the box thingy. “Giggles” Maybe ya
need the grownups ta get ya snackies an stuffs! :) “Giggles” after all yur
gonna have yur hands full of eggs! :)
your gonna need some water an of course the little thing that you put the egg on
to put it in the glass of water. Gee here’s a hint I found that stupid little
thingy don’t work all that well. That’s why I am still green! So I ended up
just using my fingers ta get the eggs out of the cup :).
like the bright pretty colors but it said on the box that you could get liter
colors by not putting in as much vinegar into the water. “Man is that stuff
stinky!!!! PEEEYUUUU wrinkles nose an giggles”.
an make sure ya put lots an LOTS a newspaper on the table so that your Mommy an
Daddy or Uncle don’t get mad if ya get the stuff on the table. “Giggles ya
don’t wanna get inta troubles an get a spankin cause that would just spoil the
fun. :( An who likes growly grownups. NOOTTT MEEE “Giggles” And I was told
that them grownups they talk ta the Easter Bunny!!!! So ya better watch out! :0
ya just take the pretty eggs out of the water once ya like the color the longer
they sit in there the darker the color they will get. :) an ya put them on the
newspaper ta dry.
yur all done than ya get ta put them on a plate so that the Eater Bunny can hide
them and ya get ta find them the next morning!!!! :) :) :) :) Giggles I had so
much fun finding all the eggs!!!! Giggles even the special egg! It was Red an I
got a whole roll of quarters!!!!! :):):):) Giggles no I didn’t color that one
Misr Bunny he braught that one special.