My inner brat is getting a time out, as soon as I can get around to it
Have you ever felt that your inner brat is in serious need of a time out? The only problem is when do we have a chance to do it?
My RP daughter found a shirt that says "my inner child needs a spanking" and she was once wearing that shirt when we were traveling on a trip to meet some friends in a different state. We had stopped at a rest stop and were just playing around outside of the car taking it easy and relaxing before getting back into the car for another couple of hours worth of driving. While were there at the rest stop she had this shirt on and we were met by a couple who ask "Does she?" at first it didn't dawn on us what she was talking about then the women pointed to the shirt and said "Does your inner child need a spanking?"
Let's face it we are human and we sometimes feel that life just isn't very fair so we will have a mini tantrum inside of our minds. Those are the times when we start to rationalize "wow if I was doing this in real life as a child I wonder if I would get into trouble by my parent or guardian?" It is also at that point where we may start to consider maybe I should do something to tame my inner brat.
Again if you are human you can admit that there have been times when out doing our normal daily things we have came across a real child who was throwing a tantrum out in public and we will say to ourselves. "Man if that child was mine I would........." and we place any number of things in that I would statement because we see that the child needs to be contained.
But what happens if you were to look inside at your inner brat and start to see the same actions that you are now seeing in that real child? Would you then be so willing to say "Man if that child was mine I would....." Because now you do have the power to do something about that child. Because that child is YOU.
It is very easy for your inner brat to get the best of any sane rational thoughts you may have of being an adult, and this can lead you down the road to some real dangerous areas in your life.
The trouble is when you allow that to become an issue and it starts to show in your daily life. You are the adult your inner child is just that a child. You have to maintain some sort of control over that inner child. How do you do this?
There are several ways in which you can do just that,
there are many ways. This goes into the area of self punishment. Which I
will not cover here in this area but I will cover in a different area.