Letting your Inner child come out and play
What IS an inner child?
Do I even have an inner child?
How do you let your inner child come out and play?
These are questions I am sure you are asking yourself at this very moment
Well first off let me say that yes most everyone does have a inner child, the real issue comes in rather they will let that person come out and play or not
If you have real children in your house the chances are your inner child comes out very often
Lets face it not to many adults would like to play board games or color or play with dolls or laugh at funny things like a child does so a lot of the times when you are playing with your children you are actually using your inner child
That part of you that enjoys the things that little children do that part of you that finds pleasure in the simple things of life.
So in that way you are letting your inner child come out.
Now if you do not have children you can still let your inner child come out. And there are a few ways you can do this
The following is listed under “Solo Age-play” and wrote by Blade Runner
When I was in high school and college, when I was sick enough to stay home from classes, one of my favorite things to do would be to watch TV and colorin a coloring book. I still color in coloring books occasionally. SometimesI send the pictures to my Daddy or put them up in my room at his home. Once in a while, I get out my two-and-a-half buckets of Lego(tm) and build stuff. And the best part is I Don't Have To Share! When I'm doing housework or homework, I sometimes will pop a binkie in my mouth. Some folks like to wear diapers in their own. For others, Saturday morning would not be complete without cartoons and sugar-frosted cereal. As anyone who reads Calvin & Hobbes will attest, there is nothing like wearing your lucky rocket ship underpants. No one cares if you rent Peter Pan for you or your kids. Check out the Kid books in the library. Go ahead and get your ice cream sundae with sprinkles. Get the Happy Meal. Take yourself for a ride on the Roller Coaster or the Merry-Go-Round. |
So as you can see you do not have to have children or anyone else to let your inner child come out and play.
You can do it all on your own. You do not even have to have anyone to play with. So how do you let your inner child come out?
Still not convinced you have an inner child huh?
Well lets look a little bit deeper into things and see if we can help you to discover your own inner child shall we?
In the spirit of my West Virginia heritage we shall play a variation of Jeff Foxworthy’s “You might be a red neck”.
So how many of you can honestly answer these questions?
Can you say yes to any or all of them?
If you can the chances are very good that you have an inner child and just don’t know it, yet but if you keep trying to discover your inner child you will. Then you will be opened up to all the ways you can enjoy life with having an inner child.