Ageplay Discussion Site

Help I am a child trapped in a big persons body
My own view

Close your eyes for a second and wonder what it would like to look through someone else’s eyes to see things with eyes within eyes. To see things unfold with your eyes and with eyes watching intently through your own.

 My sister wrote in a poem called Mirror Image and part of the words that ring true from a certain point of view.

 “The first thing she sees is a child’s eye. Full of innocence and yet so wise?” She looks again and this time she sees the same, but different, the eyes of the former child. Now, she has the look of a woman wild.  She was both woman and child combined.”

 One of the scariest things to a child is sometimes to be locked in a dark closet. With no way out. They will beat on the walls they will scream they will kick on the door they want out and they want out now and they do not care how much noise they make all they know is that they do not like being on the inside so they will try to force their way out

 Having a inner child is often like that they are trapped locked in side looking out as though looking through the slates in the door peering out behind your own eyes. 

 Ever looked at a close up picture of yourself and you could swear you see more than one set of eyes looking through your own?

 Take a good close look in a mirror at your eyes do you see it? It may not be easy to see but if you really look you can see them their color may be a little off from your own but you can see it.

 How can you see it I am sure you are wondering? Well its like this a child sometimes has to see things with their own eyes and they have to look mostly through your eyes but every once in a while they will take that risk and peak with their own eyes. Its like standing in a lone and you cant see the end of the line you will move your head left or right just to peak at that which is in front of you that you can see.

 A little child will do the same thing from time to time they will dare peak out with their own eyes. There you just saw it didn’t you. You were looking and you could have sworn you just saw someone else’s eyes in your eyes.

 Look there it is again this time you really saw it right? Or was that just a trick of the lights. Yea that is what it was just a trick of the lights there is no little child in me there is no second or third or even sixteenth pair of eyes looking out past my own eyes right?

 But what if……………..?? What if they really are there? What if? What would I do? What should I do?  What would be the reason to do anything at all?

 What if they really can see me and what I really can see them?

 What do we do now?

 Ok first things first. As with anything else you just have to accept yes you have an inner child. The causes of this may be something you are not really ready to face but it is very likely that there are some issues in your past that may have caused you to have an inner child

 Now that does not mean that this is the only way an inner child can happen. As the Toy’s R Us song says. “I don’t want to grow up because I am Toys R Us kid” Simply put you have for whatever reason decided to remain young at heart as they say.

 Perhaps you have children and you find no greater joy then when you can play with them and you find the greatest enjoyment playing Dolls or house or having tea parties, or playing cars or hide and seek or any number of fun things that a real child does.

 Having an inner child will let you enjoy those perhaps even look forward to those types of things even more than your own child does.

 Having an inner child is not a bad thing at all it may be a tad bit inconvenient at times depending on how things are with your inner child and how things are with the world around you.

 There is also the problem with depending on what age the inner child is, and yes inner children can have their own separate age which can have its own special issues. These aren’t always issues for everyone but they can be something that does happen.

 Being a younger child they may not know how to talk as good as yourself, also may not know how to do every task that you need to do in your daily life. Some do learn to cope and make it fine it just really varies.

 Of course there are those inner children who do have bathroom needs to and while this is not always true it can happen. This does not mean you should worry it will happen because there is no way to know for sure if it will but you should be aware of that.

 Now for you the inner child how do you interact with the outward body and the others on the outside will determine just what you can and cannot do and when you can and cannot come out.

 There can be certain times when you coming out may not always a good thing to have happened and while those things vary depending on a great many circumstances. You have to be aware of those things. And you have to be willing to work things out with the bigger person and to know when is the best times to come out and when is not the best times to come out.

 And of course your bigger person has to let you have your time in the sun as it was. They have to let you out and understand that you need to have your own things and your own ways.

 It will not be easy at first however both the inner child and the outer person can both work together and have a meaningful relationship and co-existence