Why I like and Dislike
By Mary Francen
The word punishment brings up
many emotions first of all being that of course who would like them when they
are happening, anyone who tells you they do I will have to say is fibbing. I
include myself in that. However on the other side of that coin would be the fact
that having someone or in my case two someone’s who care enough to do said
punishing means a great deal to me.
For me being punished means
that I have boundaries and love and security, as well as safety and people who
care enough about me to “raise me” to be the best person that I can be.
So while I most defiantly do
NOT like them while they are going on, no matter if it is a spanking, time-out
what ever it is, I do understand the need for them in my life.
I can say that I do NOT like
them at all; I am one of these people who does not consider herself to be a
brat. I may get “bratty and/or fussy” at times, but so far as being
“defiant” just for the sake of doing so. No that is not me, there for
getting punished is just that for me solely getting punished. It is a very
upsetting thing for me on an emotional level.
I like the fact that both
Daddy and Uncle will punish me when I have done wrong, because it shows me that
they both love me enough to do so. It shows me that I truly am there little one
and that they would do what ever it took to keep me safe and loved and cared
For me I do not tend to
question authority to much, if I am say told to do something, I will for the
most part do it without question, unless I see it as something dangerous or
harmful to me. “Whining about wanting cannie fishies aside” :) I trust both
Daddy and Uncle so much and know that neither of them would do anything to hurt
me “beyond a sore tushie that is”
I have always been one who
looks up to and has sought an adults love and attentions in a good manor but it
was a deeply guarded secret. So as such I accept the rules and punishments
pretty much without question. Unless I truly feel that the rule or punishment is
“nuts” and then I will provide a reasonable argument.
There are of course some
punishments that I dislike more than others. What little girl doesn’t right?
“Giggles” but of course I do know that after all of them there will be the
forgiveness and cuddles after them. :) So that also makes accepting them a lot
When I was working I was the
one in charge and it took a lot of stuff out of me, to be always be “in
control of things” and at times I saw that I didn’t do such a wonderful job
of it. So it is nice to know that even than I could come home and not have to
worry about that.
I saw some things in me that
I did need to change things that I had picked up while working and I wanted to
change so I did discuss them with Daddy those are rules that I wanted and he
agreed to.
There are some rules that I
have that I also “self created” and there are rules that Daddy put into
place as well, “Daddy doesn’t like to be told no, or get raspberries” :)
Uncle has similar rules about some things as well but he allows the occasional
“pinch” so long as it’s in play teasing where as Daddy doesn’t. :) But
uncle doesn’t mess with the ninis thing where as Daddy is a lot more lenient
with that. If Uncle says it’s time for bed, he means it. “Don’t let him
start to count or “gulps” get to five giggles because then your tushie is
gonna get it!
Punishments are something I
like because they are all part of being in a “family” they are also part of
being loved and taken care of.
me I am truly a “little girl at heart” that for me having my “family”
Uncle and Daddy taking care of me, in all of the ways that they do, is just what
I call “normal”. So the punishments while I do not like them are also as
normal as the hugs and kisses each morning that I receive and the bedtime
stories and songs I receive each night. :)
I don’t know if I could
have what I have now, the safety and security and love and happiness without
having all of the thingies in the puzzle being there. And that does include
“shrugs and makes a face” punishments, even if this little girl hates to
admit that at times. Just as with a giant jigsaw puzzle if one of the many
pieces is missing it doesn’t look right, so does a “family” if one of the
components is missing.
So I would have to say that
yes and no I like and dislike punishments ‘Giggles” I know that they are a
necessary evil in this little girl’s belief. And while I know that they have
to be, I wish they didn’t while they are going on. And the entire time that
they are going on all I want is the lap of said Uncle or Daddy doing said
punishment. “Giggles and blushes”.