Ageplay Discussion Site

Cloths, play items and play rooms

By Mary Francen

 “The cloths make the man” or so they say, well what about the “child”? Do you have certain items that you like to wear or a room to play in at your house, or toys that you are fond of for your playtimes?

 For me I have never had a “playroom” that was exclusively for playing, not that I haven’t dreamed of having one. Every time I see Extreme Home Make over home edition and see those incredible bedrooms for little girls I drewl! :)

 I have even drawn out a house that if I should win the lotto some day I will have built in which I will have my own bedroom suit complete with a playroom attached and bath all set up for a little girls dream! :):)

 I do have in my new house an upstairs bedroom for the first time since I was a kid, and now that it is the only room that is upstairs it is more private and as such I have been able to go a bit more “little girl” with it than I had at my old house.

 I did the room in bright colors of the rainbow all jewel tones literally of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple accents with the neutrals being the walls and carpet and furniture. And I have got to say as I sit back and look around that I am pretty impressed so far. :)

 I only have one more little project up here to do and that is to put the blue fabric around the stair case to hide the ugly wood thing that has been painted in only one square, and once that’s done my “little girls room” will be done.:)

 Did I set out to do this when I started to decorate? Nope. Not at all, in fact it was very much an accident. I started with the wind chime that is crystal and a rainbow colored silk belly dance veil and it all just sort of happened from there color scheme wise.

 Once I had placed my things around the room, that I just didn’t have room to display at my old house, and I sat back and looked I realized wow this is actually the room that I have wanted for a LONG time! :) and Daddy even likes it too! :)

 Than comes the toys and books and pretty things that all little girls have lots of :). You know barrettes and sparklies and cloths and such. I have lots of hair stuff! Daddy teases me because I say that I can never have enough of that stuff and the same goes for sparklie pretties. :)

 I have favorite things that I like to wear when I am feeling a certain way and I like to wear my hairs in a certain way too. I love to wear it up because its long so for me there are times when wearing it in a pony tail is a must! :) Than when I am not feeling so “little” a braid is just fine.

 I have of course my many Tinkerbelle tea shirts and wear them a lot when I am feeling “little”. I also have of course my “always in trouble shirt” that I like to wear when I am feeling a bit little but not as good as I aught to be giggles”.

 I have a cute purple pleated skirt that I wear with many things both when I need to go out as “big Mary and also when I am little” with a pretty purple sweater or with a cute tea shirt to make myself feel and look like a little girl, add some cute ankle socks and my hairs in a pony tail and poof instant little girl look. :)

 My cloths items have come from regular shopping trips nothing too ritzy or bought specifically from a specialty shop for “adult children” however there are many places where you can find things like that.

 I have seen many VERY pretty dresses on ebay that have been made specifically for “adult little girls” and they are GORGIOUS!! And I would LOVE to have a few of them!!!! :) My ankle socks I got from Kmart however you can purchase socks as well from ebay also specially made for Adult little girls.

 My panties I can get at Target and they make some VERY cute ones now a days, I have sponge bob panties as well as lots with cute flowers  and also some with colorful hearts on them and in pretty colors. I am still looking for Tinkerbelle panties however cause she is my favorite! :) They also have on ebay for sale specially made panties with the pretty trim on them and lots of ruffles for the “adult little girl” I know because I also want some of these. :)

 I have jammies that are very cute everything from the Care bears to of course Tinkerbelle and ones that have grumpy on them and also the Siamese kitties from lady and the tramp. These were purchased from Wall-mart.

 I have two Tinkerbelle sleep shirts that I purchased from Kmart where you can also get a lot of cute jammies I got my sponge bob jammie set there which is a night shirt and a matching pair of panty shorts. Add to the mix my cute bunny slippers that I got from the local mall this past Christmas for only twenty bucks and when it is time for ninis “giggles’ I look very much the “little girl”.

 I have regular jammies as well but I don’t wear them to often. I find that I like to be comfy and ya know what these jammies are the most comfy that I own. :)

 I also have on my bed my favorite pillow that I sleep with every night. It’s a Tinkerbelle pillow that I got from the Disney store it’s a small pillow that is decorative or a kid would use, but I use it to sleep with every night on top of my regular pillow :).

 I have my kittie cat Marie that Daddy got me from the Build a Bear factory, she looks just like Marie from the Aristocats movie so that’s why she is named Marie. :) she is even dressed in a very pretty Tinkerbelle outfit that daddy got me that same day. :) and I sleep with her each night too. :)

 I also have my favorite blankies I have of course Tinkerbelle that was a birthday pressie from a good friend, and I have my Disney princess blankie that was a pressie from my lil sis Jenn. These along with my blue blankie that I have cuddled with since I got it from Misr Hart several years ago sit on my bed. :) I sleep with at least one of them every night. :)

So what are some of the things that you play with, sleep and cuddle with? Do they come with you everywhere you go??? Giggles my Tinkerbelle pillow, Marie and blankie do every car trip, plain ride they come with me. :) I have a little carry bag for them giggles in my kitti print luggage set. :)