Ageplay Discussion Site

Doing Self Punishments

Self punishment is one of the ways that many Age and Role players will play with their online partner, or sometimes just to give themselves the release they feel they need because they are stressed or even more possible is because they feel they have broken a rule they have set for themselves.   

If you have already read the article "My Inner Brat needs a time out" then you would start to understand the need to punish your inner child in order to maintain some control over things.

In this way you may need to actually give yourself a punishment. Some people would say it is hard to punish yourself . But in many ways it is much more easier than you would think it would be.

What ways can you do self punishment?

1. Self spanking: Yes you can spank yourself. This may not sound like it is possible but it is. Self spankings have been a part of online age and roleplay for a many number of years. To self spank yourself you basicly will lay on the bed in whatever state of undress (bare, etc) that you choose to do it and using a implement such as a paddle, hair brush, or wooden spoon. You will start smacking yourself on your butt with it. In future articles we may go into more detail with this

2. Cornertime: Yes you can set a time and put yourself in the corner until that timer goes off.

3. Writing Lines: you can make yourself write lines

4. Grouding: yes you can ground yourself from something such a tv show or a desert or something else

5. Diapers: Yes you can put yourself into a diaper rather to wear it or to force yourself to use it.

6. Enema: Yes you can give yourself a enema

7. Early bed times: Making yourself go to bed earlier than you would normally do it.


The above list is just a small idea of the ways you can self punish yourself for whatever misdeed you may have felt you committed.

Many online partners will from time to time make you give yourself a punishment and they witness it via a webcam. This allows your partner to see that you actually do what they say you do. Before Webcam's it was talking on the phone, this came very useful when making them self spank.

When a online partner tells you to give yourself a punishment. They take you at the face value of your word. If they do not see if on Webcam or see the pictures via a camera or hear it on the phone then they have to take you at your word that you are actually doing what they have told you to do.

It is that trust factor that comes into play at those times. And if is that trust factor that makes any age/role play relationship work.