Ageplay Discussion Site

Words: Play Vs. Real (My view)

When I think of the differences that people can see in the words Play and Real it can really cause a great debate among people.

There are a great many of us that used to play cowboys and Indians growing. And right then when we were playing it felt real to us even if we knew we just “playing”

We were acting and we all know that actors never are the people they play right? Some actors are type cast because of one role they played in another movie. Type casting is another way of saying once a hero always a hero or once a villain always a villain.

So when they are cast for another part they will find themselves a hero of a villain in every movie and this can become frustrating to them.

Hey actors are human to and they get very easily put into one role in every movie and it can be hard for anyone to see them in any other movie.

I mean look at Sylvester Stallone, How many of you see him as either John Rambo or Rocky Balboa and can not see him as a role as a stay at home father? Or how about Arnold Schwarzenegger, You see him as Terminator, but what if he was a loving father without any action at all.

Word Foolery comes to mind with this topic. What is Word Foolery you are asking yourself I am sure right?

Foolery of it self means

  1. Foolish behavior or speech.
  2. An instance of foolish behavior or speech; a jest.

Hence Word Foolery is taking a word a single word and making a foolish statement of it

Now A lot of people will look at the word Age-Play and they will see Age and they will see play then they will form their own statement that comes out maybe something like this “The act of being a different age than you really are”

Then they will think but I am not acting I really do feel that I am younger than I am, so I am not interested in anything that is related to Age-Play because I am not playing, I really am being a different age.

People tend to get so caught up on the word Play because they see it as just something you do for fun and granted the word play does mean pretty much it.

That however does not mean that word Age-Play is only something you do for fun it is simply the term that was coined to represent the life style choice to in your mind and actions to be a different age than what you are in your physical body.

It is sometimes a battle when people see the word play because they get so offended that anyone would suggest that what they do is playing.

I guess we could coin a new term so now we would have those who are Age-players and those who Age-Lifers? Would you really want to be considered a Lifer? Oh did I mention that the term Lifer is also a prison slang word for those who are in prison for life?

So what is play and what is real? Only you can decide what really is what for you. In the end it comes down to doing what you feel is the right thing for you. The best thing to consider is that Age-Play is just a term it does not say that you are playing its just a term.