Ageplay Discussion Site

Hidden and repressed memories and fears

A work in progress

In everything we do there are dangers rather hidden or out in the plain sight. We have to be very aware of these dangerous so we can avoid them or at least be able to deal with them when they come up.

Here is a question for you to be thinking about to better understand the dangerous, ready? "Have you ever been going somewhere or watching something and you see something that in the back of your mind bothers you but you can not put your finger on the reason why this bothers you so much? then at 4 am that same day you sit bolt up right in your bed sweat pouring off of you. You have woke up from a bad dream that somehow involved that very same thing you saw and now you remember why that it bothered you so much"

The brain is a very strange part of the body, with it we do things that would amaze us, without even thinking about it controls our breathing and a heart beat. With it we can see and hear and smell and taste.

The mind has a defensive power to. When something the mind thinks is to bad for us to have in our memory it will bury those feelings deep out of the reach of our everyday thoughts. This could be as simple as a fall or seeing a dog or cat ran over by a car. Or it could even be something worse. Seeing someone is killed, being beaten by someone, being raped, being sexually abused by someone.

Lets use a gun as an example. Say many years ago when you were younger you had found your fathers gun and well as a child you always loved your toy guns. So you naturally get the gun out. And in the process you shot and kill your best friend. Your mind however blocks these events out and you cannot remember them ever happening. Later when you are much older a friend is showing you around their house and shows you their gun collection. Something you see triggers that memory to come out and you remember that very bad past event.

Now lets turn into something that could have happened with age and role-play. Say you when you were a young child were once staying with a friend of yours for the night, and something happened that you both got into trouble and the father of that friend spanks you. This spanking was more of a beating leaving you very sore, very marked and very, very afraid. Now lets think your mind blocks this event out because it knows you are not capable of handling this event. Years later you are age playing with someone and they are going to spank you. It doesn't have to be the spanking that brings the memory out. It could simply be a certain word that is said; perhaps the action of being pulled over someone's lap sets off the memory of this past event. Then what do you do?

Hidden memories are something that can happen to the best of the people, and it can be about anything it doesn't have to be the things mentioned above.

Now comes the important part. When you as a couple make a choice to involve yourself into age and role-play you have to always be on your guard of such events happening.

These events if allowed to unfold without any idea of the persons involved can result in serious mental, emotional and yes even physical damage to both sides the Top and the bottom.

The ones involved in the role play must always be aware of the things going around them and most know at all times rather something is going wrong or not.

Lets look at a few case studies that I thought up and see if you can figure your way out of them. 

Case 1:

Michelle is a bright young lady of 26 years of age. Who works as an accountant for a major business, Michelle likes to also age play as a 10-year-old child who has a daddy, which is also her husband, which she plays with in real life. It is Friday evening and Michelle and her daddy are together and they are talking and her daddy reminds her that there are a few things they need to talk about for chores that she did not do and complete Michelle knows this means punishment is coming. Her daddy decides that since this is not the first time that his little girl has forgotten to do her chores decides a little talk with his belt is needed on her bottom.

After telling Michelle this her Daddy takes her to her room and tells her to get ready for the spanking, While Michelle is baring her bottom her daddy is standing there and starts to move his belt. Michelle can hear the sound of the belt buckle jingling and the belt being pulled out off the belt loops. While she is standing there.

Suddenly Michelle is no longer 26 but she is 8 years old and this time she is laying on the bed and her real daddy is taking his belt off just the same way the spanking she got that day if you can call it a spanking was very hard and was not only confined to her bottom and legs but also her back and even between her legs.

Michelle the 26 year old falls apart and starts sobbing uncontrollably and begging please daddy not the belt there not on my back not on there on my private part please daddy it hurts stopppp noooooooo please noooooo.

Now you are Michelle’s Daddy and her husband, you know she had an abusive father because you and her have talked about it in your real life marriage and in your daddy / daughter talks to understand each other. What do you do now?  

 Case 2:

Robert is a 40 year old President of a local bank, and is married with four children, his wife became his mommy as well and while their children are gone they are mommy and little bobby a 5 year old who sometimes has problems wetting the bed. Normally his mommy will scold him and spank him and put him into diapers for the day and he has to use them. During this time his mommy is cleaning him up while she scolding him and she makes mention about him being a dirty pissy baby.

In Robert’s mind he hears this and suddenly his is standing in front of his real mommy who has a pair of his under pants in her hands and is making him smell them and calling him a pissy baby who makes her sick to look at, while she saying this she starts to rub his wet underpants in his face and then shoving them into his mouth while she takes a steel wool scrub pad and starts to wash him up.

The 40-year-old Robert breaks down and starts screaming at the slightest touch of his wife / mommies hands around him.

His wife knows that his real mom tormented him in the past, As Robert’s wife and mommy what do you do now?

Case 3:

Andrea is a 22-year-old college student who fell in love with another college student. And they moved in together, while laying in bed together talking about their fantasies Andrea makes mention that she would love to be tied up and be forced to have sex by this person whom she feels she wants to marry.

Carl who has always wanted to play out a role like that jumps in eagerly and starts to tie her and have rough sex with her. He loves her but he wants to help her fulfill this fantasy that she has.

However looking up at his is not 22-year-old Andrea but 16 year old Andrea who in school was taken advantage up and tied up and raped by someone she trusted.

Andrea breaks down and starts crying beyond what Carl would except for the playing and he can see in her eyes that something is wrong, but because they didn’t talk about things he has no idea she is reliving a past traumatic hurt.

How could Carl and Andrea have avoided this? And what should Carl do now to break the play so that Andrea knows she is safe and he isn’t the person who hurt her?

Someone gave their own answers the cases on what they felt should happen, please feel free to give me your own feelings.

Case 1:

Stop  offer comfort and talk in the future if Michelle likes to be spanked have daddy explain the parameters I will never spank you that way and never hit you in those places maybe not use a belt at all only spank you with love it may hurt but I will never hurt you/scare you etc and check in with her often

Case 2:

Comfort and reassure and if Robert and his mommy choose to play again  skip the chastisement clean him up lovingly w/o scolding be a nurturing not a mean mommy.

Case 3:

He should have asked her more about it (what does she like about this fantasy where did it come from )and given her a safe word  before he started and he should immediately stop. he can try to ask her what comfort she needs and ask her when she can talk about it (if she can talk about it) what happened