Am I a child Abuser?
This one is a tough one.
Ok I like to age and role play, So does that make me child abuser or mean I want to do these things with real children?
Before I answer this I want you to take a deep breath *waiting* ok now let it out *waiting* Ok here comes the answer are you ready?
NO it does not make you a child abuser or means you want to go and do these things with real children. First off, you are an adult right? and you are playing with an adult partner right? You already knew those answers didn't you. Ok so lets see here you are an adult you play with an adult. You only want to ACT like you are a child or act like you have a child you are taking care of. So how does that make you a child abuser?
Two CONSENTING Adults, The keyword here being "CONSENTING" If both of you are doing this then it means you both WANT to.
If one Role plays that they are a teacher does that mean they are going to suddenly
decide to go out and become a teacher?
If one Role plays a astronaut does that mean they ARE that or that they are going to go
out and become one?
The answer to those are no.
In all role play there is one thing that remains. YOU. You remain the same you do not change, While you may change your clothes or your hair style to fit into the play you are still you. What you take into the play is what you have inside of you. You may like to go hunting does that mean now that you are going go out and shot someone? Because you like to drive are you going to become a racecar driver?
You are age and role-playing in your mind while you may do this in REAL LIFE you are still you it is your MIND that allows you to do it. Other than your mind driving your actions and thoughts you have during the role-play, nothing else has changed about you. You are not going to go out and do something totally different and totally hurtful.
To be honest many of the ones I know who are into age and role play have been hurt in their life perhaps as a child. This says they WILL NOT go out and do this in real life because they themselves have been hurt in the past so why would they do that in real life to another child. If you do not understand this read some of the other things and you will understand more what this paragraph means.