Ageplay Discussion Site



I cannot stress enough the need for safety in playing (Playing meaning anything dealing with Role-play) with someone either online or in Real Life

The guiding rules of all Relationships should follow this guideline

1. Safe: Never do anything that could bring long lasting or serious bodily harm to anyone.

2. Sane: Edge play with objects such as knifes, guns, hanging etc, can lead to serious trouble or harm. It most be practiced with GREAT care and every Ounce of safety taken into account. An ounce of safety will keep you healthy wealthy and alive.

3. Consensual: ALWAYS talk with your partner to know what they will and will not allow. Think of it like this. If you are hanging from a 2nd story window of a burning building. Are you going to TRUST the firefighter to catch you?  You have to TRUST your partner will never do anything to hurt you.

When Meeting in Real life, there are some common sense rules we always forget to think about until it’s to late. Remember folks having hindsight that is 20/20 can be too late if you have already been hurt.

Some ideas when meeting someone in Real life for the first time:

1. Always meet in a public place a mall or a restaurant.

2. Always take a friend whom you have great trust in with you

3. If you go alone make sure you tell someone where you are going and give him or her all the important info you can. Place you will meet, phone numbers etc etc.

4. Do not allow yourself to be pressured into playing right away, talk with the person and get to really know them

5. Never have someone meet you at your house or allow them to drive or follow you to your house.

6. Do not give out your telephone number to anyone whom you have not been totally sure are safe to talk to, any good person with a computer can use and type in your phone number and get your whole address try it sometime folks you may be surprised.

7. Always use a safe word; even the closets of partners can have a bad day. Sorry girls but this is one you may not like but many can say its the truth PMS does affect your limits and your ability to keep things safe and sane. Safe words should be a word you wouldn’t normally use. No is not a good word to use why? Because what if your partner thinks you are just acting like you don’t want to be punished in the role? Red light is a good one, calling the person by their REAL first name.

8. While some find being gagged to be a good thing personally I find it to be very dangerous. You cant use your safe word when you cant talk now can you? Objects in the mouth can also cause you to not be able to breath properly.

9. When you are looking to hire someone for a job you check their references, what is wrong with checking the references of the ones you are going to play with Rather they be The Dom or the sub (terms can be meaning Top or bottom as well)

10. Never assume just because a person says they will stop that they will.

Let me tell you a little story to go in with #10 a good friend of mine met this Dom. he started spanking her with a paddle. Hard enough to eventually cause blood to start flowing. She was black from the top of her bottom to her legs. She tried to get the Dom to stop he wouldn’t, Why? He said this wasn’t play this was punishment. Folks that person is now afraid of any type of wooden toy being used. All because the Dom wouldn’t keep HER limits.

Just because you are a Dom does NOT ever give you the right to assume you can do what you want to.  Remember the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

If you as the Dom or top or whatever term you want to use wouldn’t want someone to beat you till you have bad bruises or are bleeding or are scared then by George you best think about that person your about ready to do the same to right?

And don’t get me wrong. It’s not just the tops that can be the bad ones. The bottoms can be just as bad about something’s they do.