Ageplay Discussion Site

What is DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder?

A work in progress 

The terms DID or Dissociative Identity Disorder which was formally known as MPD or Multiple Personality Disorder is a relatively new area which has caused a great deal of debate both in the medical world as well as the courts and legal systems

 For all intense purposes Dissociative Identity Disorder (Referred to from now on as DID) is a defensive action of the mind. This action is one in which a person when subject to factors beyond their control, most generally abuse or other traumatic experiences their mind will in order to cope with and in many cases survive will form a different identify or alter.

 This is often the case in children who were subject to different abuses, rather the abuses are physical, sexual, mental, verbal, or even any other form of abuse the mind of a child cannot really understand this happening to them. In most cases they start to see that these things are not happening directly to them but someone else. And the brains defenses kick in and then an alternate identity is born.

 There is no guidebook to how the brain works and doctors and scientists are just now starting to understand even the basic functions of the brain. But on the deeper levels there is no way of really understanding how the brain functions or what causes certain things to happen.

 There has been those who would confuse DID with an out of body experience. And while the outward most feelings and appearances may seem as if they are the same event DID is far more complicated.

 There is no way to know when the first DID cases were found as many of the symptoms, side effects and patterns could very easily have been confused with the long standing belief that only demons and witches can control the mind and body of someone else.

 And while there is no way to even guess at rather those who were thought to be demon posed in those times were actually those who were suffering from DID.

 And in no way am I suggesting that those who suffer from DID are actually demon posed. It is highly likely that DID, has actually been around for a great deal of time but has remained until recently undiscovered.

 But what is DID?

 In the broad terms an Alter could be compared to a stunt man on a movie set. A movie star who is part of an action packed movie will be ask sometimes to do things that could be considered dangerous and even though they can act they may not be able to actually physically and mentally handle the task such as falling off a building or being set on fire.

 There exist a group of people who have trained and whose soul purpose are to be replacements for certain types of dangerous stunts for the movie star.

 These people are called stunt men and woman. They take the place of the movie star for that dangerous stunt.

 Why do they do this? Movie stars are worth a lot of money and they make their living by being able remain on a movie set and then go to the next movie and the next. However if a movie stars was to take part in the highly dangerous stunt and get hurt. This could be the end of the movie or the end of the stars career.

 Hence, the need for stunt men and women they take the place for the star so that the star does not get hurt.

 DID alters are the stand in stunt men and women for many people. While this does not make them any the less important in the need for them that is in general what they are.