Hello my name is Daddy Stephen.
I am the owner of the The Age Play Group and the owner and operator or the server which all of the Age Play Group sites reside on. My backgrounds both in the technical fields and the the Age Play lifestyle have given me a great insight into things that give the Age Play Group its wide Varity of sites and interests. I have been into Age and role play for over sixteen years now. What you would call a Strong Parental type Dom (Daddy Dom and no NOT a Daddy Dummy). I am a daddy who knows how to have fun and enjoys seeing a little girl doing all she can to play and have fun even if it’s trying to sneak things into the shopping cart at the store while daddy is not looking. Or one who wants to play tease daddy by playing hide and seek or play tea parties I have been a daddy to an adult little girl for over twelve years or more I am thirty-six years old and live in Washington State. I have also been a uncle to another little girl for three years. To some the word Daddy brings up some pretty harmful and hurtful memories of abuse and other very painful memories perhaps rejection or not having a daddy in their life at all. Myself however as a daddy I am Loving daddy who will help you grow by doing the following: I will show you how a daddy can be caring, how a daddy can be a teacher, how a daddy can be a guide to a little girl And along the way I will be helping you to grow, learning about yourself. The whole goal and process and ideas are for you to learn about yourself but also to accept yourself as an adult and as a child. I will allow you to make your paths but try to guide you on which paths are the best. I will watch and ward off anything that would hurt you either from outside or from her choices of actions. I will cuddle you when you want to talk, or are scared from a bad storm or loud noise. My heart will beat out the words I Love you my special little girl as you lay your head on my chest A smile will cross my mouth as you whisper I love you Daddy thank you for protecting me from the bad and helping me to find the good and I will say I love you to my little girl. At times when you do choose to do things that I knows isn't good for a little girl to do I will have to punish you but it always with love and with the understanding I am doing what he things is best for my little girl. Afterward I will hold you and cuddle you and kiss your tears away so you know that your daddy does love you. When dealing with a "little girl" one has to remember you as a daddy are taller at least than the little girl is and can see things that lay ahead of the next curve or hill where the little girl can not see these things. You sometimes have to steer the little girl away from the bad things. Sometimes this requires a gentle nudge of love. Sometimes it requires a firm hand of love applied to their bare bottom. But that is always done with love These sites have been created for the purpose of shedding some light onto what was once a life style that some people shunned and that some thought was a prelude to real child abuse. And while there are those who can be thinking about such things still today, I also know that a great many who enjoy the Age and role-play life are some of the ones who were abused as real children. And are seeking to have different memories of child hood and of daddy And while these people have once lived in shame and fear of what they felt it is my hope that through these sites they are able to find out that they are alone that they do not have to live in the shadows and in fear that they can have what they want, just like everyone else Those who practice, live or even play for a short while in age and role-play are as normal as the next person. And it is my hope through this site that some light will be shed on what is a growing choice for many in the world. Besides what adult in their right minds would not want to be someone else for a short while? I mean if you think about it we all need to get away from the stress of our own personal lives and age and role-play does offer that Please do not judge the lifestyle by some peoples narrow minded views of Woman's Lib (don't get me wrong here I am all for it) or the notion that we are just abusers and users. I can tell you that this is farthest from the real meanings and ideas. If you are really interested in knowing and putting to rest the outsiders views of this lifestyle I encourage you to research it and read all you can find and make your own judgment call on things My feelings on age and role play are pretty simple, here they are: "Many people will never know what its like to hold the light of the little child's heart in your hands, this can bring great joy and pride to the person who holds it. The heart is yours to love, care, caress, guide, nurture, and discipline. While the little child may not be a real little child on the outside, on the inside they are just as little as they do feel. But do take heed! This light can be very fragile; the same hand that protects and loves can destroy a heart if not taken care of in a serious manor. Just as we turn off a light in a room without even thinking about the actual parts that make the switch function. We can do serious harm to a person. Remember the child's heart you hold in your hand can be as fragile as the most delicate rose or crystal/diamond vase." - Daddy Stephen. |