How can you contribute to the site?
Well that is pretty easy I am not asking for money or anything like that, what I am actually looking for is for people to send in their thoughts their feelings and their ideas.
I created this site as a place for people to share what they were feeling on the subject of Age and Role-Play so now that the site is setup what it needs now is for people to share what they feel on the subject. I do not want this site to only be my own views but if that is what people want then I will continue to post my own views but that means the site is only one sided.
Which is not what I have ever wanted for the site. So to that means I am asking you the person who is reading this right now.
Is there something you can contribute? Can you write something for the site? it doesn't have to be some long drawn out PhD. Thesis Paper on the subject. Maybe three or four paragraphs to cover your feelings on the subject?
Now I am sure some of you are saying but I don't know what to write about well look at the menu choices you will see there are a lot of subjects that I have posted that have not been wrote yet. Could you write on one of those? or maybe you want to introduce a counter point to something you have already read. well that is fine if you want to do that you can and I will certainly post those.
So how can you contribute if you do not feel you can write on something? Well the first way is by being here right now looking at the site you are making it so I know that people are interested in what this site has to say. What else can you do? Well you can let other people who you know may be interested in the subject know about the site. Then they can come and maybe they will choose to contribute something to the site but since you referred them to the site you have contributed in your own way as well.
So how about it? Can you contribute something? Feel free to email me your thoughts, comments, complaints, concerns, or even just a note to say hi or to let me know that something you have read here has made a impression on you and has helped you with something you have been trying to find out
My email address is ageplaygroup@gmail.com all you have to do is email me and I will respond as soon as I can