Contributing Authors
When I first started this site I wanted it to be many different views on Age/Role play. So to do that others would have to write about topics and offer their opinions and feelings on them.
So to that end. I would like to take this time to personally thank the following people who have wrote on topics for this site.
Mary F: Mary is an 39 year old ageplayer from New Jersey, she has been into ageplay for a number of years. She has been active in many ageplay communites including IRC, she is the Co-Editor of the Age Play Times, a Bi-Montly Age Play Electronic News Letter. Mary is has a Daddy who she lives with.
Daddy Stephen: Stephen is a 39 year old Ageplay Daddy/Uncle from New Jersey, he has been involved in ageplay for a number of years, He has been active in the ageplay communties including IRC, this very site. He is also the Co-Editor of the Age Play Times, a Bi-Montly Age Play Electronic News Letter. Mary is his Ageplay daughter who he lives with.